This video is kind of dark but it is Grandma playing "Hide and Seek" with Toot under the table. And everytime grandma would raise the tablecloth she would babble like "No, No, No this is not the way we play" This is so funny
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Whose Idea was this?
All of us girls went shopping for the kids for Christmas presents, today. It was so much fun!! There were so many princess dress up outfits, boas, shoes, my little ponies. "I secretly hope this baby is a girl" We took Caroline for shoes and she tried on like 6 pairs and walked all around the store. She is going to love shoes when she is older. The guys bought drywall and worked on the bathroom most of the afternoon. Yeah! Maybe there will be a new bathroom in my near future? Look at the cute ballerina slippers Grandma bought Caroline.
Batman pees on his costume
Uncle Sean and J went outside to play for a little bit and the next thing we know, Uncle Sean is knocking on the window having Aunt Les and I look out the window. Jackson is smiling looking at the window while peeing in the grass. Unfortunately, he peed all over his costume and had to take it off and get it washed.
Uncle Sean's "Caroline Fix"
Uncle Sean fell in love with Lil Miss Caroline while he was here. She would curl up on his lap and just love on him. He and Aunt Les had to wake her up one more time before they left Sat. Night. They loved her curls and Aunt Les definately loved shopping for toys for a little girl for Christmas. Jackson asked me tonight before bedtime "Well, they will come back over in a couple of days, right? Do you promise? Well, are we going to New York in a couple of days, then, PLEASE? They will be missed so much. The kids loved the time with them.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Turkey Day
Happy Thanksgiving!!! What a great day. Uncle Sean and Aunt Les got in around 9am and Uncle Sean got a little sleep before dinner. We had some breakfast casserole and some wing dip and crackers for a snack about 1pm and then had our new traditional Thanksgiving. We had turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes gravy, party salad, cranberry salad, rolls, and Grandma's famous sweet potato casserole. It was so goood. Then, we had pumpkin pie (made from a real pie pumpkin), apple pie, and Sean and Les brought a Strawberry Manny's cheesecake all the way from New York! Yum!!!!!! Aunt Les spent most of the day carrying around Caroline and Uncle Sean was fending off Jackson and his play hunting knife. It was so much fun. The day went by way to fast.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Grandma's Birthday
Well, Grandma and Grandpa got her Tues. night about 8pm after Eric met them at Denny's. There was a minor detour after Eric gave some difficult directions. The kids were so excited and Tootie managed to stay up until they got there. We had cake and fudge sauce waiting for Grandma's birthday and some pictures of the kids. Happy Birthday, Grandma!! We are so glad you were here to share it with us!!!!!
I just have to say that Wed. night. I was making pies and had just cleaned the floor with Brandi's Hoover Floor Mate, which by the way is the best invention ever and she is the best friend ever to let me borrow it. It squeegees clean your hardwood or ceramic tile. Anyway, everything was ready for the big turkey day and it was late. The garbage disposal backed up and Eric plunged it. Guess what the pipe burst and water and junk came flooding out from under my sink. What an awful mess. It got cleaned up but Christi was mighty testy.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Many Outfits of Caroline
J has been such a good boy and big help, lately. However, he is in this phase were he doesn't want his picture taken. When he got home from preschool, he put on his Batman costume and Tootie wanted to dress up too so she put on Jackson's monster truck shirt, Bob the Builder goggles, and a Batman stocking cap. She has such a dramatic personality. She kept taking them off when I would try to take a picture. Yesterday, she wore Eric's underwear on her head like a nun's habit. Again, she would pull it off when I got the camera.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Weekend Fun
Saturday was a lazy day. Eric ended up going in to work to move his office on Sat. afternoon. Sunday we went to church. Things work out for a reason. Eric and Caroline had gone out to the car and Jackson and I were walking out when an older lady stopped us and asked me if I knew any of the church programs. I told her I did and she asked me about the food pantry and luckily I had Diana's number memorized and had started volunteering and knew the hours and days. She also needed coats and hats, and we had just started our giving tree project last week. The Lord works on such timing.
Caroline was playing with her baby kitty today and pulled out all my towels and covered the baby up with them and said "night, night". It was one of those memories to mark into my mind. So cute. Jackson of course has been flying around in his Batman costume defying the rules.
Friday, November 14, 2008
A Girl's Got to Get Her Beauty Sleep
We went to Mamma's today and saw Tammy while she was here from Florida. We stopped by Gig and Pamps's but they were running some errands. What a couple of rainy days we have had. When we got home, Caroline put on her little sequin sleep mask that came with the twin bed sets on and was wearing them like her mask. It was so cute, I had to take some pics.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The new room
Well, Now everyone can see the fruits of Mom and Gig and Pamps's labor. They refinished the bunkbeds for the kids and the dresser actually belonged to my Great Grandma Hendry and is very old. They did a beautiful job and I got the bedding sets that Mom got for me today. They are beautiful. It was funny because they came with two pairs of sequin eye patches. The shams were missing so they'll have to send those later. Now I just need a valence for the room but that window is next to be replaced, anyway.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hayden and Caroline's Playdate
I went over to Brandi's for a couple of hours today so Hayden and Caroline could play. Hayden was so cute and happy to see her; he just ran after her and brought her her sippy cup and let her play with his toys. It was so cute. I know I need to post some more pics of J.
He came from school with a fever today. He still acts fiesty but looks tired with bloodshot eyes and a fever.
I have been planning out the Thanksgiving menu, tonight. I am so excited; I love having it at our house. Now that I'm not working as much, I have more time to enjoy cooking, having company, doing Christmas cards, Christmas shopping. It's fun to me. I'm looking forward to seeing Eric's mom and dad and Sean and Les. We will all have a good time and now that we have a 4th bedroom, everyone will be more comfortable with sleeping arrangements. The kids are sooo excited and we'll get to have a birthday party for Grandma while she's here.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Batgirl returns
While Jackson was at school today, Miss Caroline headed right towards the batman belt and the other favorite toys.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Excuse You
Sorry Guys. I have been kind of slacking, lately. I had to work all weekend and it wore me out. It's amazing how my belly changed from Sat. to Sun. There are 6 of us pregnant at work. Brianna took her baby home Sat and I got to see them leave the hospital and all I could think was "Yes, I'm soooooo next". 30 1/2 weeks pregnant as of last Thursday. On Sunday, I had about 5 people tell me that the baby had dropped dramatically since the day before. My back did hurt on Sunday, and at least, I didn't split my pants. I haven't bought any maternity scrub pants and have made it thus far. However, yesterday, was the last day because I thought for sure I was going to hear a rip at any time. Eric is in Chicago this week at a financial's training seminar. I called and he is playing cards with Matt and Ryan tonight. After having the kids all weekend, I'm sure he was jumping for joy for a few nights away from home. Mom and Dad are in Vegas, they left this morning and Mom is already laying out by the ppol. J had his Batman costume on all day today and even wore it to the Post Office. Little C is speaking so many little sentences. When you give her something she really wants she says "THERE you go!" and she says "Scuse you (excuse you" or "Bess You (bless you)". I love to hear her little voice chattering at her doll babies. John and Joanne got Jackson a "Tickle Me Elmo TMX" doll last Christmas and Tootie latched onto him today and figured out how to turn him on. He started talking to her and fell onto the floor moving and she was flabbergasted. It was so funny and now she carries him everywhere and won't put him down. She keeps going up to J and saying "ON, ON, ON" so he'll turn him on for her so funny. Here is a video clip of Eric and Tootie playing games and saying excuse you.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Fall is Here

The colors are soooo beautiful this fall. I hope it lasts a little longer. I got a few good pics, today with some of the colors shown. The kids got their flu shots today but I think I'm the only one with a headache right now.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
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