J and C were playing cowboys, yesterday. Tootie loves wearing Jackson's Batman undies
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Mom brought the kids back on Monday night so J could go back to his usual preschool routine on Tuesday. I was so excited to see the kids and Mom too. I was definately excited to see how they reacted to Sophi. Mom has been my tremendous help. She has kept up my laundry, fixed dinners, helped Eric shovel the driveway (after 14in) which is alot for us, and kept up with J and Caroline so I could feed and snuggle with Soph. The nights started out rough because she was nursing every 2 hours if that and was wide awake from 1am-4am but I think I have that corrected, now. I took her to her 1 week follow up today and she has been sleeping in her carseat for 4 hours. Her big brother and sister constantly want to pet her head and give her a kiss. Mom left this afternoon and she is going to be missed greatly. I'm sure she is ready for that vacation to Vegas after having the kids for over a week. Here are some new pics
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sophi's First Bath at Home
Sophi had her first bath at home last night. She didn't care for it too much. She did love having her hair washed. The kids come home tonight. So I'm anxious to see their reactions. I hope to get it on video.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
First Nights Home with Sophi
Well, we got home Friday night about 7pm. She was up alot during the night but I'm sure she was adapting to yet another new environment. We did sleep until 11am. She is a good little daytime napper. Eric has had life easy. He holds her for awhile while I do some things, but right now he doesn't like changing her diaper since she is so little and he can't feed her so he just sleeps upstairs for like 10-12hours straight. I'm so jealous. Don't worry, I'm going to make him fold and put away all the laundry today. Mark and Staci brought over Lasagna, salad, green beans, and 2 new cute outfits last night. She has a quiet little house right now, J and Caroline are coming home from Mom's tomorrow while she stays the week so it should be interesting to see how loud the house is and to see what they think of her.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Baby Sophi Arrives!!!
New Baby Sophi Grace arrived 1/21 at 4:17 pm. Okay so here is her story. On Tuesday night at 4pm I started feeling really crappy...ie headache and backache. I started having little minor contractions and put everyone to bed at 10pm. At 11pm I was awoke by very strong contractions and then I woke Eric up at midnight. I called Mark and Stac and asked to drop off the kids. Then, called Mom and Dad and put them on notice to pick up the kids in the am. So off we went and we got to the hospital about 1:30am. But of course I was only 3cm STILL!!!!!! The resident had me walk for a couple of hours and at 3:30 I was still at 3cm and about died. So I walked again and the resident said she would check me at 6am and if I hadn't changed send me home because there was an OB conference in Indy and they were very short staffed and couldn't do an induction. My OB was at a Yoga Conference on vacation...just my luck!!! While Eric was sleeping at 5am the contractions became SUPER strong and were every 2min. I didn't want to ask for pain meds so I walked myself came back and held on tightly to the rails of my bed. At 6:30am I was 5cm and in active labor...Yeah!!!! So they started Pitocin to help my labor become even stronger and faster...however it wasn't until 3pm until I was 6cm but after that at 4pm I was complete and pushed 4 times for 16 minutes and she was out. She came out so fast her face and legs were really bruised. We couldn't believe she was only 7lb 12oz. but 22 inches long. The 3 doctors all had a bid and the least amount was 8lb12oz the most being 9lb 6oz. They still think the scale was wrong but she gets reweighed again tonight. So we will see.
She slept thru her 2:30am feed which was fine with me. Her head hurt last night so today she is making up for it. She nursed for a whole hour with no break at 4pm and liked to have killed me.
She is so beautiful...Dark hair and eyes like me unlike J and Caroline's blonde hair. She is going to be our little Sassy girl. So drumroll please here are her pics so far.....
Monday, January 19, 2009
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