Tuesday, July 29, 2008

August birthdays

The kids and I came home this last weekend for both the great grandmas birthdays. Eric and Mark went to the Brickyard 400. They either go to the Indy 500 or Brickyard 400 every year (or try too).
The kids had a great time swimming in the pool. We got there early Friday afternoon and went swimming. Even, Caroline was walking over to the pool whining to get in with Nini and J. Then when she got in, she only wanted her feet in and to be held higher than the cold water. J on the other hand, was perfectly fine for hours with his water wings on. Saturday, mom, dad, and I took the kids to Charleston and got a pizza and took it to Morton Park. They had a ball. Jackson has absolutely no fear. He climbs to the top of the highest slide or firepole without thinking twice about how far down it is. Dad and I took Little C into the toddler area. She had Dad in stitches. She would walk over to the slide and work forever to climb up the slide backwards and then slide down and just sqeal with delight. Then, she insisted on walking all the way to the car, which everyone else was waiting patiently wondering if we were going to make it before dark.

On Sunday afternoon, we had the grandparents for lunch which was delicious. Mom fixed an awesome rump roast in brown gravy. 15 pounds and there was barely any left and we had 9 1/2 people eating. It was a nice time to see everyone. Then everyone came out to the deck to see Jackson swim. Poppie was watching him while us girls cleaned up the dishes. He got busy talking and looked over and J had taken his floaties off and was floating around in his Spiderman tube. Pop told him to put his wings back on but he responded "that's okay I don't need them". Uncle Craig came up on Saturday night also and swam with J. He kept saying "Wow, go under again Craig, and again, and again". It doesn't take to much to entertain. He started calling Craig "Bruce the shark" after that because he was so good at swimming under the water.

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