Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Applesauce Incident

Well, today I had my first hormonal meltdown on the way to work. You know I only work 2 12hr shifts a week. However, I leave at 5:30am and get home at 9pm. I don't see them at all for 2 days. It becomes harder and harder. This morning, Jackson happen to come down and he said to me "You know who loves you, Mommy? (points to himself) "I do"!! I couldn't hardly leave. I think I cried about how much I miss them when I'm working pretty much all day.

Anyway, the cutest thing. They have been inseparable since J got home. They were playing outside and J asked C if she wanted to go for a wagon ride. He picked her up and put her in the wagon and wheeled her around the yard. I saw him stop under the pine tree and get distracted by a branch. In the meantime, she stood up to grab a leaf as he decided to take off. She did a complete front flip, but the girl never cried or fussed. J picked her up and carried her back to the wagon and away they went. I think they were both shell shocked. He was afraid he was going to get in trouble, and she was wondering what the heck happened.

So, during dinner last night, Tootie got wild with her food. We looked over and somehow her applesauce ended up on the ceiling

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Where's Grandma

It seems Grandma slipped out of the pictures. Hopefully, Aunt Les took some pics of Grandma Joanne and J

Boys Are Back in Town

Well, I picked up the guys, today. I'm so glad they are home. I don't think I could have made it another day. I missed them both so much and so did Tootie. She was elated when they got into the car. Jackson got such a wonderful tan and had an amazing time. He first said to me, "We came back to get you mom, are you ready to go to Grandma's?" Everyone took such awesome pics. Jackson couldn't hardly stop talking about everything he got to do and how much fun he had. We had to keep him awake on this evening. He was wanting to fall asleep on the couch about 5:30pm. He was mad at me, too, for not letting him talk to Grandma on the phone last night. Everyone made it so special. Lesley took the time off work, Sean took some time off, John, Cheri, and John John came over. Everybody went swimming with him. The guys took him golfing. He went to camp and spent time with Nain and caught some fish. He went to Chuck E. Cheese. He had such a memorable time. I think next time, Tootie will older and have fun and maybe even remember a lot of it.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fall Remix

J New York Update

Well, the Saupp family traveled to Grandma Pugh's camp yesterday for an afternoon cookout. Apparently, J went out on the boat with the guys and caught 2 fish. So excited. Just a little trivia but the largest catfish in Minnesota was a 22lber caught by a guy on his granddaughter's Barbie fishin pole.

Tonight they all went to Chuck. E. Cheese. I will fill you in on the details and show pics when they get home.

Mom and Dad Visit

Well, C and I got bored on Sunday evening so we headed to Illinois for a little visit. We stopped at Mamma and Pamps's house first for supper since Mom and Dad were in Shelbyville for the day helping Craig with some remodeling. I totally left the camera in the car but it was adorable. Caroline became enthralled with the little porcupine next to the back door that is used to wipe mud off shoes. She would walk up to it and I would make animal sounds and she would turn around and run yelling "AHHHHHHHH" and she would laugh so loud. It was so cute. Mamma would try to give her kisses and she would run to Pamps as if to say "Save Me". She kept throwing her leg up in the air trying to climb into her highchair every once in a while.

We got to Mom and Dad's and she endured until about 9:00pm which is 2 hours past normal bedtime. We went to Gig and Pamps's in the morning. Again, I forgot my camera. She would chase Pampa Emmett and he would say chase me and she would. Sooooo cute. Then, all of us girls were looking through tubs of recipes. So Pamps took her for a wheelbarrow ride around the yard. They were sooooo cute together. I will hold those times in my memory forever.

So about my Recipe mission. Dad and Mom started telling stories from when they were little out on the porch and Dad loved the recipe of Great Aunt Sis's called Pear Honey. I decided that I wanted all of my grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and great aunts recipes in their original handwriting. It took a lot of searching to find a recipe of Great Grandma Gregory's, but I found 3 of them. I couldn't find one from Aunt Lib or Aunt Ethel. I would love to pass these to my daughters some day. I'm such a sentimental sap.

So, my dad is the ultimate story teller. He gets so tickled and I love that chuckle that he has that makes it difficult to continue with the story. I have to share a few stories so I don't forget them.

When my dad was a little guy like 6 or 7 my Grandpa Hendry's sister had moved to Attica, IN which is far away from Brocton IL, especially in 1956. Both my Great Grandpa Davis and My Grandpa Hendry and dad and Ron went all the way there in 2- 2 ton trucks to move her back when her husband died. She was going to rent an apartment above Gerri Fitzgerald's grocery store. When they got to Sis's house she insisted that Pamps take the water heater since it was new and useable. Pamps swears that thing weighs about 500 pounds. They lugged that all the way back and up 2 flights of stairs to the apartment. Guess what, it never worked and she never spent more than one night in that apartment before she moved in with my Great Gram Hendry. Dad says he can still hear him cussing to this day.

My Aunt Fifi (Freda), Mamma's sister, died when I was little of cancer so I don't remember too much. My Dad loved to go over when she was making noodles. She would have them on her counters, kitchen table, and freezer, and they would be the thinnest noodles you ever saw and she never used a noodle cutter always a butter knife.

Mamma, Great Gram Davis, and Aunt FiFi raised chickens to sell in town. They would have to raise them, the boys would have to clean the barns and chicken houses out every weekend, and then they would have to dip them, feather them, cut them up, put them in bags, and deliver them to the customers and put them in their freezers. All for 50 cents a chicken. Can you believe it???

My Great Grandma Dailey would do washing and ironing for people in town. Back then she had a separate room on the west side of her house where she would do the wash and canning so it wouldn't make the house hot inside in the summer. She would use this stuff called Blueing to whiten the shirts since they didn't have bleach back then. She used to make her own Sauer Kraut, too. I wish I had the recipe. She would put that cabbage along with lime and whatever in a big tub out in the barn where it was dark and everyday she would have to scrape the yucky stuff off the top until it was all ready and you would carefully have to get the kraut out of the bottom. My great gran's name was Willimina Weber Dailey aka Minnie so she made real German Kraut.

My Great Gram Gregory lived outside of Lawrenceburg, KY. She made jam and preserves out of everything. She had orchards, pear trees, cherry trees, everything. She made plum preserves, pear preserves, cherry preserves, you name it she canned it. The church where the Gregory family still goes to down there to this day called Penney's Chapel (southern pronunciation is Pennes Chapel) was established by J.C. Penney. Isn't that sooo cool. It is the tiniest little country church, too. You would never imagine. I have been there a few times and still remember most every detail. I hope I never forget these priceless family treasures my parents share with me.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Shoes

Here's Miss Caroline's new Mary Jane's that she picked out. I had her trying on pink and purple and she walked over and picked out the purple ones. So for church this morning she wore her "Jackie O" dress that Aunt Les bought her with her new purple Mary Janes.

New Baby 5 months pregnant

This pregnancy has went by soooo fast. I can't believe it's half over. Caroline and I went to mass this morning. Of course, we spent most of our time out in the lobby running around. They have a kids social a couple times a year, so we went out there for a little while. Then, it was definately nap time.

Eric and J are having a good time. J called out and wanted me at bedtime last night, which makes me feel so much better.

My Sketti

Last night, Caroline and I decided to water the flower beds since it has been soooo dry and hot. So we ate a late dinner and I asked her if she wanted Spaghetti. For the first time, she said "Sketti?" Then, she walked over to her high chair and banged on the tray saying "My sketti, my sketti". It was so funny. I tried to get a video while she was eating but she was too distracted to say it again.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

So far it's been great

So far it's been great. I can do things you wouldn't normally let me do, like wear your favorite Spiderman shirt...

...I can climb the stairs

...I can play on the stairs without you making me come down

I get to play with your toys

...I get to play with all your toys

I get to read your books

I get to read all your books

...But NO Matter what we still Miss You

But How Many times can we say that we still Miss You.
Love Your Wayward Wife, Daugther, Mommy, and Sissy


The guys made it to New York late last night. No hiccups, apparently, J was a wonderful traveler. They had a couple hour layover in Detroit. They sat in a gourmet hot dog pub and watched "Racing Stripes" on the laptop. The only funny thing was that J did not enjoy peeing in the airplane restroom. It was too small and the toilet flushed too loud.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Caroline Growing


I was just thinking about how fast time flies, today. The kids are changing so much. I can't believe I'm almost halfway through my pregnancy. Anyway, I wanted to add some old favorite pictures and do some comparing of then and now of the kids.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Learnin to Run

Big Stuff in Big Bros Shoes

New Soccer Shoes