We had Jackson' preschool party, today. It was so much fun. I made frog cupcakes and the kids were so excited. Jackson got to sit at the head of the table and Caroline stood right next to him and loved all the attention from the older kids. We spent the day at the doctor's yesterday since Miss Caroline has croup, but, today, she was soooooo much better. I spent the rest of the day making buttercream transfers for J's "Toy Story" cake. That is quite a big undertaking. I took some pics of Jackson's class projects. I, especially, like Jackson caught in the spider web. I have chosen a daughter in law. This last pic with the little blonde in the yellow shirt, her name is Kendal and she is a doll. She is the one who told Jackson he looked handsome at the fall concert and she wanted to sit next to him, today. She is soooo cute
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