Sorry I'm slacking, Work about did me in this weekend. 2/ 12 hours shifts for a 36 week pregnant woman is way too much. I was so wiped out and felt sick and exhausted. Two things I figured out yesterday, I cannot ride or drive the GTO anymore until after the baby and no more 12 hour shifts. Maybe 2 more 8 hour shifts before the baby and that is absolutely it.
Mom came over last night and spent the night to watch the kids, today for me while I went to the doctor and got my ultrasound. The baby was measuring 2 weeks to big at the last visit. Well, I found out today that she is definately 100% a girl so now we have to nail down a name. She is already weighing in at 6lb!!!! She had the hiccups twice during the ultrasound and her little butt is out of room. It was awesome since you usually don't have an ultrasound this far along you can't see the baby so developed. They did a 4D ultrasound and it was like I was holding her. She would sweep her hand across her face. She would open and close her eyes. She has lots of hair!!! and chubby cheeks. She looks so beautiful. Jackson is soooooo excited to have 2 Tooties!!! He wanted another sister. So anyway if they would let me go to term she would at least be 10 lbs so Dr. Kasper is inducing me. I get to pick any date between Jan. 10 and Jan. 20, yeah!! I am so not going to risk having to have a C section by going to Jan. 26. I've already got enough weight to lose, I don't need permanent abs of aluminum foil from a c section.
Jackson was so sweet, he sat upstairs and played in his room with Tootie and let her try on every pair of his shoes and walk around in them.
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