So not much news here. Here are my updates on each of the kids:
Sophi: Pretty much ate and slept all day, as newborns do. It was quite comical, however, today I had to take her papasan swing back to walmart because the music box doesn't work. So I was not about to take that thing apart. I loaded it in the back of the truck, dropped J off at school, and unloaded it into a grocery cart at Walmart. Half of it hung out, I carried Sophi's car seat on my left hip, Caroline on my right hip, and pushed the car with my right hip. Of course, the crazy thing wouldn't ring up at customer service, so we waited 20 minutes to get everything right. What a circus!!! Not to mention, Walmart is like the worst place in the world for germs. Don't worry, I kept a blanket over her carseat and wouldn't let anyone look at her. I think I'm going to have her christening in May sometime. Mamma is going to make her gown.
Caroline: Does some awesome animal impersonations. She does a deep throat Baaaa for sheep. So funny!! I got a great picture of her laying on the landing with her cup and "gigi (what she calls her blanket)". I was only 8 minutes late for nap time and she couldn't take the wait.
Jackson: This is great. He got his valentine box at school, today since he won't be there for the party tomorrow. At home, I was telling him who each of the valentines were from. We got to one little girl (I won't name names) but she is always in trouble. I asked Jackson is she was his friend and this was his response "Well, sometimes, but she hit me last week." So I asked him if he hit her "NO MOM, I am a NICE guy." I said "Well Yeah but you hit Tootie sometimes" He says "Well, yeah, of course, because she's my sister". Hilarious.
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