Tuesday, March 31, 2009
What a Day!!
I was supposed to pick Nichole up at the airport at 9:30 this morning. I even had the kids ready and packed up an 1hr 15min early. So I go out to start the Tahoe and low and behold the battery is dead!!! (Eric left the keys on. He swears one of the kids got in there and did it. But you know...RIGHT) So I'm thinking do I try to jump it or if that doesn't work I will be even later. So I loaded all 3 car seats into Nichole's car, dropped J off at school (broke his zipper on his coat in the meantime), the exit to the southbound interstate was closed today, so I had to go North to the next exit, make a u turn, and go back southbound to the airport exit. I think I was only 15 minutes late. Not too bad. Plus my sinuses are killing me; the pollen count must be like a gazillion. So the girls and I went home and Aunt Nichole and the girls took a nice long nap. We picked J up and he got an egg contraption to help hold his eggs while he decorates them so I had to boil eggs. It was a good time! I wish she could of stayed longer (like a week)!! Lots of fun.
Tootie is still addicted to her horsey!
Sophi is 241/2 inches and now in 3-6month clothes. She won't be in these very long. 3 month clothes don't fit...too short.
I asked J to put his clothes in the laundry when he put on his pjs and his reply was "Well, Mom that's not what G0d made me for!" So I asked him what God did make him for and his reply was "Wellllllllll, God only wants me to play and have lots of gum." So funny!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
New Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins

We are so excited!!!! Sean and Lesley are having a baby Oct. 26!! Our first baby niece or nephew. One day after our anniversary and 2 days before Jackson's birthday. October is our favorite month. Here are some pics I took a couple years ago at their wedding.
Practicing for Easter

The kids were practicing hiding and hunting Easter eggs, today. So I thought I would take some practice Easter pics before we go see the Bunny.
Discovering an Old Toy
Yesterday, I caught what J and C had. I woke up with a fever at 6am and had Eric stay with Sophi and get up with her while I quarantined myself to the upstairs. I stayed in bed and read all day. I felt much better by 10pm and the fever was gone, so I was back on Sophi duty during the night, especially since Eric felt like he was getting it. And of course, it is snowing right now. No wonder everybody is sick. Well, J and C found their old bouncy horse in the basement so we had to drag it upstairs and clean it up. Here are some videos and pics.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The sick bunch
What a rough couple of days. J woke up Tues. morning with a temp of 103.7 and a headache so he stayed home from school and Tues night his fever spiked 104.2. So he bought himself a tepid shower which ended bringing it down to 100.5 so Eric slept in his room and took his temp throughout the night. He had a low grade temp on Wed. so I went ahead and still took him to the doctor. I was thinking maybe strep throat since he complained of a sore throat. He was totally not himself. He just laid around on the couch, wouldn't eat, and didn't even ask for his stories, songs, or prayers when we carried him up to bed. The doc said it was only a virus and he is back to his old awnry self, today. Tootie like the sick, lethargic J better. Miss Sophi has been screaming for at least an hour every night. We thought maybe she had a milk protein allergy like J and Caroline but the doc said she had terrible acid reflux so we started her on Prevacid twice a day and she is a totally new baby. She is back to smiling all the time and she naps like a dream. Still getting up a lot at night but I'm used to it now. So as long as she is not screaming all day with the colic. Here is C saying some of her favorite words.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Etch A Sketch

The kids love drawing on their Etch-A-Sketches. They traded so J has the princess one and C has the Caterpillar. The princess one has the letters and the motions to draw them so that has really helped J with his hard letters ie...k,s,v,w. Here are some pics of them playing with them.
Nichole is coming to spend the night, tonight. She's catching a plane to California for her first bridal shower and she is so excited to see her family and old friends.
Monday, March 23, 2009
My little spies
The funniest thing ever happened, today. I went outside to find J and C sitting in their wagon, eating animal crackers, and spying on the neighbor while he was cutting down a tree next door. They were mesmerized while popping in those crackers.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Park Days

We took a picnic to the park for dinner tonight, then we had a great time playing with the kids. I got a new photography software program and I'm trying out some of my new settings and playing with my aperture, shutter speed, and iso so be patient with some of my grainy pics.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Snappy Fingers
Eric worked, today, so I took the kids to McDonald's Playland and out for ice cream after. It was so funny, Barry White's song, "Can't Get Enough of Your Love" was playing and I was snapping my fingers and grooving to it, then J started snapping his finger, and I looked in my rear view and both of the kids were trying to snap their fingers with their hands in the air and swaying their heads back and forth. It was priceless.
Friday, March 20, 2009
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