Tootie loves playing with her babies, now. Here are some clips of her playing with Baby Dora.
When I picked J up from school, he had some interesting stories. The first story of was a bird that pooped all over the slide and the teachers didn't have anything to clean it off with. So I asked him if anyone slid down the slide and he replied "Just me, can you clean off my pants". Great!!!!!!!
Next he tells me that he was playing Spiderman on the playground, and Brayden was a big bug, and Trent was the Fireguy who threw him down and told him he was fired. Sounds like these guys have some vivid imaginations.
P.S. Eric wanted me to put in an excerpt that he denies causing all the weekend laundry. He claims it is the kids. (Suuuuuuure!)
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