I tell you, Tootie is so much awnrier than J could have ever thought to be. The other day, I was working on the bathroom floor and she disappeared. I found her in the kitchen and she had located a red PERMANENT marker. Luckily she had only colored in her "Dora" coloring book, but I took it away and hid it way up high in my spice cabinet. I returned to my cleaning and she came in with her red watercolor marker and proceeded to color Soph, the playpen mesh, and circles on the floor. I cleaned it up, placed her in timeout, then came in the kitchen to find that she had tried to move the chair over to the cabinets but couldn't reach so she wrote on my kitchen cabinets instead--ALL the island cabinets. Thank God for watercolor marker!!
Eric worked nights most of this week doing training, so the kids got into trouble for not going to bed and jumping on the bed, etc. I went upstairs to scold them and found Toots jumping on her bed. Somehow along the way, she got into her closet and found my witch hat from last year.
Last night, she located a necklace she got at a birthday party (which I should have thrown away when she forgot about it). She remembered she could open it and decided her lips were chapped and glazed her face with lip gloss. I just laugh and let her be. Eric, however, doesn't handle messes of this caliber as well. He was very anxious for me to clean her up and dispose of the gloss!
We went to Chuck E. Cheese tonight to celebrate a week without notes from the teacher. yay! That means he listened and did not criticize the teacher's choice of stories. Before, I had kids, I would always say that I would never do this or that (including bribary to modify behavior). Then I became a mom, and now I realize you do what you got to do and this works well so don't mess with it since it works. Moral of the story...Never say never, especially about parenting because it will come back and bite you on the butt.
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