The kids were so excited to get so much snow. I believe we are up to over a foot and it is still coming down. The wind has died down so that makes it better. That darn drifting on our flat farm land around the Midwest makes driving a bear. It took Eric 2hr and 30min to get to work and 1hr 40min to get home. Yuck!! Then he had to hand shovel our entire drive so he can get the GTO out tomorrow. The kids loved every second of being out and making snow angels and sledding down the hill. When they came back in they wanted hot cocoa and to color. Poor Soph was feeling left out so I handed her the Tadoodles. I ended up removing the crayons after she tried eating the blue one. The kids were trying to show off their red cheeks in these pics.
Mom was informing me I was slacking on the blog. Sorry, everybody. This darn house goes on the market this Monday!! Woooohooo! So cleaning fridges, touching up paint, and keeping the kids at bay to keep them from breaking, scratching, and grunging things up has been taking up all my time.
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