I took all 3 kids to the dentist, today. Yes, even, Sophi went for her cleaning. It was funny because the dental assistant came out and asked if she could take J back by himself since she only had 1 vacant chair at the time. I was a little apprehensive but then J says "Mooooom, I can go by myself". So he went and had his xrays, cleaning, and fluoride treatment done all by himself. When the girls and I got back he had both hands behind his head with a pair of sunglasses on while the dentist checked his gums. It was hilarious, but I was holding Sophi and couldn't get a picture. He has all of his permanent 5 year molars and had them sealed today. His 2 front teeth are also loose and the dentist told me he would be losing them soon. Who would have thought I would have one getting them and one loosing them.
Now Tootie did a great job with her x rays, however, she did not like the dental chair, she did ask for sunglasses and I managed to non chalantly take this picture trying not to look like a nut. She did a great job but wanted me to hold her. So when Sophi was getting her teeth cleaned while in my lap, Toots forgot what she was doing and fell off the dental chair and face planted into the floor. She's fine! We found that Sophi had her canine's come in and are almost down. So that's her 4 front teeth and 2 bottom. She's a lagging a little behind but the dentist said that's normal and she should catch totally up in the next 6 months. Great! That means fussy bear will be around a little longer.
We played out a lot today. We grilled out for supper and I weeded all my flower bed and cleared some of the dead stuff out. 70-80's for the rest of the week. I can't wait to open my windows.