Yesterday was gorgeous. Probably 65 in the sun. The kids wanted to play outside. Poor Soph tries so hard to keep up. You'll see her crawling as fast as she can to keep up with J and C on their motorcycles. We went for a 4 mile walk. I strolled the girls while J rode his bike. About halfway thru he said "Mom, I can't go any further". I made him hop back on and he made the rest of the way. We had to stop and rest for him a few times and then he cut thru the trees and waited for the girls and I in the driveway.
Mom, Cindy, and Gig are headed to Kentucky to see the great aunts and uncles. I wanted to go so bad but Eric has a management retreat Sunday and Soph got a fever yesterday. I felt so bad since we had went for that long walk but I had no idea. I lifted her out of her chair after supper and realized she felt hot. So temp taken and 103 so into the bathtub she went, motrin, cold rag to chew on and cold bottle of juice. Temp down to 100 then bedtime. She was really cranky for my baby who is never cranky. Rash on her chest=virus. I'm sure her immune system is low since she is teething so hard right now and just got a virus. She was back to low grade fever today which I'm sure is her teeth.
I'm taking Toots to dance in the morning while Eric takes J to the church Easter egg hunt. Then heading over to IL to visit my grandpa in the hospital. Then lunch with Nichole and back for a quiet Saturday evening...I hope
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