Saturday, October 30, 2010
Scary Trick or Treat
There was a little girl dressed as a corpse laying in a coffin in the driveway and when you walked up smoke would rise up and you would have to wait until she handed you candy. Morgan and Tootie wouldn't even get close. J walked right up to her and ran before he got the candy. Sophi, however, hovered right over her and waited for her candy bag. LOL!
Happy Halloween!!
We met up at the Wittenauer's tonight and went trick or treating. Eric and J dressed up as Hulk and Hulk, Jr. Tootie was Ariel and Soph was Sebastian from "Little Mermaid" and I was a pirate. We had a great time and the kids made a haul of candy. This year was such a blast because the kids couldn't wait to put on makeup, and run up to the door and say "Trick or Treat". Sophi was hilarious she rode in the stroller but noticed the kids were getting candy so she took her bucket and ran up to the door and got some candy. She then rode in the stroller until she ate it all, then it was time to go get more. She kept eating and then trick or treating the whole time. It was a riot!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Ariel and Sebastian
J and Eric were at Walmart and missed this. I had to get Sebastian toddling around in her costume. So cute!
Disguising the Turkey
Mrs. B gave us a great project. She sent a turkey color sheet home and it had a little not attached that said "Help me, I don't want to be cooked for Thanksgiving so disguise me so they won't recognize me". The suggestions were Santa, etc. J picked Batman, so he and I had a blast doing this together.
Trunk or Treat
We went to Trunk or Treat at the church tonight. We were a little late and there was only like 10 minutes left but the kids got plenty of candy and got to dress up. J was Spiderman for his school Halloween party and Hulk for Trunk or Treat and then we have Trick or Treating at the Wittenauer's neighborhood, tomorrow. yay!!!
Thank you all for Jackson's birthday gifts, cards, and phone calls. He felt so special on his birthday, and we THANK YOU ALL!!!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Happy Birthday, Baby Boy!!!
Well, I got to spend most of the day with J since there was no school today. He and the girls got to go to Vickie's to play for a couple of hours until Eric picked them up so that I could go get ready for the Teacher Dinner. Yay!!! It's over and I made it home in time to sing "Happy Birthday" and let him open a couple more of Nene and Pop's Birthday presents (He decided to wear the Spiderman costume to his Halloween party at school, tomorrow, Mom!!). I let them eat a cupcake right before bed ;) He ran up to me as soon as I got home and said "Mommy, can you fix me something to eat? Daddy made us a terrible dinner" LOL!!! He had lettuce on the sandwiches and J and Soph are so like me. They HATE lettuce on sandwiches.
J had a terrific teacher conference. He is testing at first grade levels. His teacher thinks he is incredibly "bright". He is a sweet boy with a "huge heart". He just needs to slow down a little on some of his work. He thinks being the first one done is important. Other than that, Mrs. B asked me if I had any concerns and I told her not until Tootie gets in her class. LOL!!!!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
My Baby Boy turns 6 tomorrow

It doesn't seem possible that my sweet baby boy turns 6, tomorrow. I sent Hulk cupcakes, Green Hawaaian Punch, today for his school party...all those little kids had bright green funny! He took a cupcake to Mrs. Keith, his principal and even she had a green mouth. She told me tonight that everyone was wearing their little Hulk ring and he wanted to make sure that she was wearing hers. So adorable!! He is such a sweet doll.
Well yesterday was a craze. The girls were cranky from their colds, anyway. I picked J up from school and then we all went to the store to pick up some things and Tooter had a normal meltdown since she couldn't get a toy. She threw herself in the aisle and kicked and screamed. So I just kept on walking. I very calmly said "Well, I guess another family will take you home since we don't allow fit throwers at our house". I just kept going to the next aisle. So I hear a commotion and thought I better go check on her and come back to the previous aisle to see that she has placed herself sideways and is blocking cart traffic! J was trying to drag her out of the way. Needless to say it was a very quiet car ride home and bedtime was right at 7pm. J moved over to the loft on the double bed and they are now separated to prevent chitty chatting at night. We better get moved very very soon or Mommy is going to have a nervous breakdown. 2 of my friends at J's school all have 3 kids and the same ages and we were all saying "OH YEAH, 3 is PLENTY" No more for us.
Tonight was my first night at the school for the Teacher Conference Dinner. My Tahoe was packed to the limit. I had parents donate supplies such as post it notes, pens, paper, cardstock, tape, stickers, thank you cards, etc. to put together appreciation bags. I made little bags that said "We Love Our St. Susanna Teachers" With little glitter hearts and school colors. All the paper and cardstock was in school colors, then we had Jimmy Johns Sandwiches, Panera Soup, amazing side dishes and desserts, I made an iced coffee drink that was gone in 5 minutes. Mr. Chapin had 4 cups!! I even had some. I hate coffee but with enough milk, creamer, and sugar you can drown out that coffee taste!! LOL!! One of our amazing families donated money for the sandwiches, one of our little 1st graders parents own Jimmy Johns and gave us a great deal for the sandwiches, Eric and I donated the Panera soups, and I had lots of people bring in food, one of my moms made flower arrangements, and my awesome good friend Patti helped me serve and clean up tonight! One night down and one night to go. I should get home just in time tomorrow night to have a cupcake and open a few presents with J before he and Tootie go to bed.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Toy Motherload
When we got home, he immediately took some of his "guys" out to play with, away from his little sisters.
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