Well, today was the day of the Quaker Day Parade in Plainfield. There was only a 20% chance of rain. Riiiiiight! It poured for 3 hours! I dropped J off at his Kindergarten float at 9:15 and it just poured and poured and didn't stop until around 12:30. We were little drenched rats. Soph stayed dry in her little stroller. Tootie, however, had to be right next to the street catching candy that was thrown at her. She would say "Thanks, Guys" and they would throw her even more for being so darn cute. We came home with 5 bags of candy! More than Halloween. LOL! She could have cared less that she was so drenched. It took forever for J's float to get back. For a 2 mile parade it took 2 hours. Then of course we had to stand there for an hour after drop off waiting for it to start.
The pool inspection was today and it was a pain. They were supposed to check pressure in lines and weren't prepared. We were supposed to pay $140 which was told to us 3 times, but he didn't do anything. Eric had to point things out. Ahhhh! However, their realtor did realize how much work needs to be done for the yard. I think we have come to an agreement that both of us are happy with and are waiting to hear back sometime this week. So keep saying those prayers for us; we really appreciate them :)
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