Whew! What a hectic week. Mom and Dad picked up the girls, yesterday and kept them until this evening so we could close on the house. Yay! So we are all officially homeless, LOL! We are still on for closing next Friday the 19th on the new house, hopefully. Not too much to report.
I ran into the school this morning in my sweats and NO makeup to drop some stuff off for the needy food basket project, when Mrs. B asked me to stay and help fit the Pilgrim hats. Guess the natural beauty had to shine thru today. LOL! It was sooo much fun though. The kindergartners are my favorite and I love to listen to them say the Pledge of Allegiance, Our Father, and Hail Mary. It is the sweetest sound you have ever heard. They are ready for our big "Feast" next Wednesday.
I bought Tooter Roonie some stick on nails and she loved them and insisted I take pics. She also stuck her sippy cup of cocoa in the microwave for 25 minutes without me knowing...Can you imagine the mess of melted plastic, Oh and the smell!!!!!
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