Funny Story! So our priest, Father Kevin, had an injury while playing kickball with the kids a while back and broke his hip. Well, he is recovering slowly and is now using a motorized cart for distances. Well, he is always visiting over at the school with all the kids. He is so wonderful and kind. Tootie has gotten to know him recently. We were in the grocery store, yesterday and there was an older lady with a black sweater wearing a large hat. Tootie ran up to the back of her yelling, "Father, Father". The lady turned around and Tootie said with her hands on her hips "Hey, you're not Father Kevin! How come you have his cart?" It was so hilarious. Luckily, the lady was hard of hearing and missed most of it :)))
Well, we have had about 2 inches of ice in this huge ice storm. The kids did not have school today and not tomorrow, either. These were the first 2 days of school cancelled this year. It's a mess out there. They declared our counties and the surroundings under emergency conditions so no one is to get out and travel unless for emergencies. They are closing Exel tomorrow and Craig's factory, GSI is closing tomorrow, also. Mom and dad have only had 2 hours of power the in the last 2 days. Mamma lost power last night and then again this afternoon. It is a mess. So ready for Spring :))
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