Well it's been a little difficult to keep up lately. Work is busy with lots of project and I have advanced code class this week, which delays my projects, ugh. BUT I LOVE my job and the people I work with. My co worker, John, even gracefully forgave me after spilling a bottle of Diet Coke down him at our Monday morning meeting. Oops.
J continues to get 100% on his spelling tests. He hasn't missed any, and he is the best reader in his class. He loves to read. Tootie is at a stage where she must read her story at night to us, also. She is ready for school to be out, but J could go to school year round.
Soph bug has hit the terrible 2 attitudes. It's pretty mild so far compared to the other two. Hers is mostly saying "No NO" when she wants to dress herself or wants you to do her hair or something of that sort.
J won his first 2 soccer games. He loves it.
On Saturday we went to Macyn (Mimi) Brecken's sister's birthday party. She turned 3. All of the kids from Vickie's were there so the kids had a blast. So did I. It was a Toy Story 3 party-Jessie. The played pin the tail on Woody, Operation, and Colbey had them hunt Easter eggs. The Easter eggs had little pics of Jessie, Woody, all the friends and each of them were worth certain points and the one with the most points got to pick a prize. It was such a great time.
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