Sunday, September 28, 2008
Eric's 29th Birthday

Poor Eric worked on the bathroom remodel on his birthday. I tried to get him to go golfing, but he wouldn't do it. Today, we went to Mom's for his and Craig's birthday; I think they got a lot for being not so good all year. Ha! Just kidding. Eric got some nice work horses and a 7ft ladder, Lowes gift cards---hmmm working tools! We are converting him to a Colts fan! He got 2 shirts and a sweatshirt of the Colt's. J of course opened all the presents and helped spit all over the candles.
Friday, September 26, 2008
No Grace

I don't think either of my children are too graceful. Jackson dove off the stairs to rescue Batman on Monday; I thought he was fine and had him lay on the couch with ice on his arm. He didn't complain about it anymore. On Tuesday he complained every once in a while that it was sore. Eric called me on my way home from work on Wed. and told me Jackson's arm was swollen and that he thought it was broken. So Eric took him to the doc on Thurs and they xrayed him. Luckily, just a sprain so I wrapped it on Thurs night when I got home. Then, Caroline woke up with a black eye this am. Not sure why, and of course, her observant father didn't know why.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Look Who's 29 Today.

Happy Birthday, Craig! We have 2 versions of the birthday song because each kid is a little distraction in each one. Everytime I sit and watch the kids play; I think of us and how we used to play. Mainly, the things like me having you lay down on the garage floor and seeing if I could vice your head between the floor and the garage door. It's amazing we survived things with no injury. I'm so proud of you and I love you. What a great Uncle, too!! I'm so glad to have such an honorable uncle for my son to look up to. They are blessed with all the wonderful family they have. Happy Bday.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Richer than me you'll never be...cause I had a brother who read to Me
Where is my camera when I need it. Last night at Caroline's bedtime, Jackson and she were sitting at the top of the stairs and Jackson was reading (in his own translation) "The Rainbow Fish". She has him wrapped around her little finger. Yesterday, she would climb in the wagon and shake it back and forth and convince Jackson to take her on SEVERAL wagon rides. Such a good big brother!!! I could watch them all day.
Bedtime Stories
I know Jackson can't read, yet, but he has the most amazing memory. He can recite "The Giving Tree" word for word. Here is the video. The memory ran out, but this is most of it.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sidewalk Chalk

The kids were playing with sidewalk chalk this afternoon. It was too cute; Jackson practiced his letters and has mastered the writing the number 4. Caroline tasted all the chalk; she was thinking that each different color may taste a little better, unfortunately, she had no pleasant surprises.
The Stick Fight

The kids grabbed some sticks as I was assessing the early persimmon tree. Jackson is teaching his baby sister some bad habits by stick fighting.
Washin the car with dad

Eric washed and waxed the cars, today. The kids were so enthralled with helping and wanting to see the buffer. They were his little shadows.
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