We had dinner with Martin, Candace, Mason, and baby Alison last night. We had so much fun. It was nice to sit and talk and the boys played so well together. They had a few little crying and tattling spells but that was usually when "we were fighting like Spiderman and got too rough". It was fun for J to have another boy his age to play with. They have the same interests and it was like they were 2 peas in a pod. Miss Caroline went to bed early and Alison would have liked to but I think the noisy boys and different environment were keeping her up. We, adults, had a great time chatting and catching up. Poor Candace had to get up at 4:30am but that didn't stop the boys from continuing to talk, talk, talk!! You will notice that the second children, girls, are missing from the pics. So goes being a second or middle child. Candace took some more pics and will email them to me. When she does I will post them.
I have got all my nesting cleaning done and feel so relieved. All the baseboards are washed, closets and cabinets and counters organized and wiped out. The crib, walls, closet, changing station and everything is wiped down, scoured, and ready to use. I feel so good about having it done. Now Eric and I can go to Chicago carefree.
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