Well, today started out a little rough. The DOT was auditing Eric's facility, today, and so he was at work until 1:30 am. Sophi was up a lot last night with her teeth. She has 3 that have broke through and 3 more ready, too!! What an early bloomer. She has been miserable. So at 6 am she was wide awake. She was crowing and chattering so loud, poor Eric couldn't get any sleep. So I tried everything to get her to stop. Finally, I laid her on the couch with me and she fell asleep. 20 minutes later, time to get up and get J ready for school. Dropped him off, came back and fixed Eric breakfast and a lunch to take, then naptime for the girls, then pick up J for swim lessons. He jumped off the side today and did an awesome job floating. Anyway, we met Eric at Applebees for dinner, J was a wreck with little blood shot eyes. He went swimming with his class at the local pool, today, too. So swimming x 2 wore him out, Caroline was refusing to sit in a booster and throwing fries at J, and Sophi fussed the whole time unless I held her while I ate. I don't remember what my salad tasted like but it looked good. What a day!!! In hindsite, I would have just stopped at McDonald's drivethru. Ha!!!!
I have to tell you my new favorite saying of Tootie. When you tell her to do something or not to do something, she immediately replies "Otay, Awwite (ok, alright)". I love to hear her say it. She loves "DoWa (Dora)" and is fascinated by the "moon, moon, moon, and sars".
Sophi reached out and grabbed her bottle by herself this morning!
J sounded out and spelled "Mom" all by himself.
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