Well, all 5 of us got to take a bath tonight and believe it our not our old hot water heater managed to fill the tub before running out of hot water. We had to wait a couple hours between baths but that was okay since J and C spent an hour in there!!!
Sophi got to try Spaghetti dinner baby food for the first time tonight and loved it. That was J's favorite and C's fav was mac and cheese baby food when she was this age. So now we are on #3 baby foods. She is eating me out of house and home. She ate a whole number 3 jar and half a number 2 jar of apples and blackberries. She went to bed at 7:30pm last night, woke up at 4am for a bottle and I had to wake her up at 11am to take J to pre k. Then she went back down from 3pm to 7pm and in bed at 8pm. I think she has hit that major growth spurt that the other 2 hit about this age. I love those long nights, though!!!!!
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