Oh, I forgot. I made Tiramisu, Mini canollis, and biscotti dipped in tinted chocolate to match their wedding colors. The first trifle bowl of Tiramisu was gone in literally 5 minutes. I had 7 canollis out of 4 dozen, and maybe 10 biscotti out of 3 dozen. All the food was really good.
The ceremony went GREAT. Jackson walked right up to Craig and handed him his ring box. He was such a pro. Right before the ceremony, Harmony told him he couldn't have Spiderman hanging out of his pocket. He just shoved him down in their a little further.
Tootie, on the other hand, shall I say she is my most stubborn child. She literally screamed and threw herself on the ground and did not want to wear her dress. She wouldn't wear any jewelry, ripped her bobby pins down from her hair, and ripped the flower off of her waistband. Again, this was about 1pm our time, which is total nap time. When she saw Kambrie and Brooklyn wearing theirs she was better. Mom did realize, however, that right before we got ready to walk down the aisle, she had ripped off her diaper and put it somewhere. Eric had the diaper bag and was seated with 150 people in the packed church. Luckily, Mom had stashed one. I threw it on her and prayed.
I had to be at the lodge with the girls to get ready at 9:30. I stopped and finished the outside tables at the reception site early. Met Craig and went over the slideshow. And then, was off to help get Nichole ready and have my hair done. I'm glad I didn't stay the night before. Those girls stayed up til 2am!!! Mom came over to the hotel and did Toot's hair and helped get Soph ready. Then they came to the church where I dressed Toot and Dad put J's tux on him. They looked so awesome. I will get more pics, especially from the photographer. I couldn't take pics at the ceremony and most of the reception since I was a little busy.
Oh, Tootie made it down the aisle and jumped into Craig's arms. Everyone was talking about how sweet it was all night. She did, however, walk back up the aisle and threw herself onto the ground to lay down in front of the aisle while Nichole and her dad were waiting to walk in. Luckily, they just moved her to the side and walked down.
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