I took J and Toots to visit Mam, Pamps, Gig, and Pappa Emmett, today. It was rainy and cold so we decided to go take a visit. Too rainy for the field, today and Miss Sophi has a horrible croupy cough and I didn't want to get her out so she stayed with Nene. We had a great visit. J had Mamma read "Little Red Riding Hood" and Tootie and Gig played with some ceramic baby birdies.
This morning, Aunt Cindy performed some kindergarten testing on J so I could see what he needed to work on. He lost focus on one little area of the language section but he has the language of a 7 year old and she said this was also a good tool to determine how well he will do all through school. Yay, J!! On the standard kindergarten test which tested all different things including gross motor, fine motor, language, math, colors, etc. There were 5 levels, the highest being High kindergartner, next down was Average kindergartner, which was where he scored. We were so proud of him and he had so much fun doing it.
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