Whew what a day!!!!!
First thing let me explain these coloring sheets. Jackson is too old for naps and gave them up about a year ago...so when the girls take a nap, he is forced into quiet time. And by that he gets to choose to work in his preschool activity book, color, or watch a show in my bedroom that I get to choose. So today he tells me he needs to rip out a couple of pages from Tootie's Princess coloring book. I told him that I didn't think she would be too happy about that. Then he says that he has to color a pretty picture for his best friend, Danielle. I told him that that was very nice and he says "I like it when she tells me she loves me on the playground". I told him that Mary was super excited about his party and that her mom called me the other day...so he says "Well, I better color one for her too, huh!" So he did and he had me spell their names while he wrote them. It was so stinkin cute.
I took all 3 of the kids to get our front door ordered. Not an easy task focusing on ordering a front door, sidelight, and storm door. I made it through. Hope I got the right one Ha!!
Got a little frantic this morning. Sophi's 9month doctor's appointment is in a couple of weeks but I got to thinking that I better call and find out if the other 2 will be getting their flu vaccines. Well, they tell me they are out and all these places won't be getting another shipment until mid November since they are stopping production of the seasonal flu vaccine to produce more H1N1 vaccines. So I call the health department and guess what...Yep, no vaccines left. I find a clinic that has some left for the kids so we stop over there and get all 3 of the kids theirs. I had mine a few weeks ago at the hospital. Luckily, they had just received 120 H1N1 vaccines. We were the first 4 to receive the H1N1 vaccines there. Yay!!! Now Eric just has to get his tomorrow after work. It's kind of a big deal since Sophi is still a baby. If she were older, I wouldn't be too concerned. And Jackson has it rampant in his school. Lucky we haven't been plagued by anything yet.
Well, feeling like a single mom lately. Eric has been working a lot lately and worked last weekend at the Exel fair. Now he is in Bloomington overnight to do college interviews with Mark tomorrow. We're leaving for Mom's tomorrow after J gets out of school so we can have my Aunt Cindy do some Kindergarten mach testing and then the kids will go ride with Pop in the combine before harvest is over.
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