Toots had quite a few outfits she was trying out yesterday. I think she is going to be my little designer. She even tied the little silver belt around her waist herself. I love watching her come out of her room because you never know what she is going to be wearing. (the fairy wings are getting a little worse for wear)
J came home with a fever but no other symptoms on Friday night. He was fine Sat. and has been since then. Luckily no one else ever got it. Must of just been a little virus. One of my friends pointed out that maybe he is getting his 5 year old molars in. He was back to playing his Wii game yesterday.
Soph is another day closer to walking. I think she could take right off but crawling is supersonic fast and she can to wear she is going in seconds. She lets go and stands holding things for minutes. She also crouches to standing without holding anything or leaning up against anything.
We didn't do too much this weekend. We missed mass this weekend since J had been sick. Saturday, I went to J's school while Eric stayed with the kids and volunteered to set up the art displays. The kids at J's school are so talented in drawing, painting, and pottery. They have more talent in their little finger than I have in my whole body. My big success was freehanding leaves and cutting them out.
Eric and I bought a new memory foam mattress with out Christmas money this weekend which was really needed. Our backs have been killing us and our mattress has this dip in the middle that we both roll into. We were soooo excited!
I saw one of J's little friends, Gavin at the furniture store when I was looking at mattresses. He yelled to his parents all the way across the store "Oh my gosh, it's Jackson's mommy... I can't believe it!" I talked to him for a few minutes and then he ran off yelling once again "Wow, I can't believe I saw Jackson's mommy here"! I felt like such a movie star. It's so funny that when you become a mom you lose your first name and just become "Jackson's mommy" or "Caroline's mommy". As a matter of fact, when introducing ourselves at the art setup we would say "Hi, I'm Christi, Jackson's mommy" or "I'm Gabby's mommy". So funny!! Then later I got carded at Kroger for buying a bottle of white cooking wine. What an awesome day Saturday was. " I told the guy at the checkout if he really believed I was under 21, I would be happy to put the wine back" LOL! Well, I register J for Kindergarten this week, which is a little stressful. We have 1 week for current students before they open to the parish then all community so I have to get it all done and it is a book to fill out and lots of checks for different things. I have decided to keep Toots home one more year until she is 4 for pre-k. She is still so little and I love my time home with the girls. She is super social so I don't really worry about her getting along with others.
We go to the ENT Thurs. to get Toots released since she hasn't had an ear infection in over 6 months. Her tube fell out in both ears but she doesn't need another set. Her own tubes have opened and widened which should prevent any other ear problems. Yay! Her speech is excellent so I don't think there are any repurcussions. So no more follow ups in North Indy, thank goodness.
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