Whew what a day!
Well today started at 11:30 when we left the house to take J to school. Dropping off dry cleaning, recycles, both banks, then J at school.
The fun part was taking the girls to get Spring shoes. Sophi got her first pair of walkers at Stride Rite today. I never put shoes on any of my kids except at their baptisms. The orthopedics say that shoes weigh their legs down and its harder for them to get their balance when they do learn to stand, therefore, they will walk faster. Anyway, the end result was that for the first 20 minutes she screamed because she hated having shoes on. She is a 6 wide and the lady told me I had to buy thin socks because her shoes are too tight with her thick socks and they don't make size 6 double wides. LOL! My little chunker. Now Toots is a shoe LOVER, as you know. So she was in heaven in that shoe store. The girl humored her and let her try on many pairs of shoes. I made the final selection and she was ok with it since they were pink.
Then on to the ENT for Tootie's discharge. No ear infections since August. Yay!!! Her ears looked great. No residual fluid. She then saw the audiologist to check for hearing loss and/or speech delay. Which I wasn't too worried about since she talks incessantly and uses 5-7 word sentences. They did a tympanogram which measures the fluctuation of the ear drum and registers fluid behind the ear. They were perfect. Then they inserted ipod-like earphones and measured the cilia (little hair) movement of the inner ear, which tells them how much sound is making it to the inner ear. Perfect in both ears. She then sat in the sound booth and was told at different decibels to pick up certain shapes and then given instructions on what to do with them. She passed with flying colors. Not only did she follow all instructions and hear everything but she knew all her shapes!! Yay for Tootie! Her speech is already ahead of a 3 year old so they said it wasn't necessary to do any speech testing. She also told me she had to go potty in the dr office and was still dry.
Then we picked up J from school. Stopped for dinner with Daddy and then all of us went to Ash Wednesday Mass where there were almost 600 people! And Christi got blocked in in the parking lot. Good thing we were all the way in the back and the last ones out!! The kids were great for it being so late. Tootie insisted on keeping her gloves on and waving to everyone and saying "Hi" on the way for communion. So funny! J was excellent! Later J told us that God told him what Aunt Nichole and Uncle Craig needed to name the baby! OH YEAH! NOW I CAN TELL. CRAIG AND NICHOLE ARE EXPECTING THEIR FIRST BABY Oct. 7. Anyway, the baby needed to be named "Mike Kazlowski" (For those of you who don't know...this is the little green one eyed guy from Monsters, Inc.. which the kids haven't seen for at least a month!) LOL! What these kids come up with.
We got home at 8pm at Tootie ran for the potty and was still dry since first thing this morning. Woooohooooo!!!!!!!
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