Well, I didn't take any pictures today but have some funny stories. We woke up this morning and it is so darn hot and humid we decided to head to Mom and Dad's and take advantage of the pool. So I called and it took me a couple hours to get everything in the house squared away..ie laundry, dishes, beds made, toys straightened, trash day, you know the story. So I figure I would call Dad and let him know on the way. Well, there must have been a huge cell tower down because I had NOOO cell service from West of Bainbridge to the Oakland Newman Road...so like 90% of the way. We pull in and the phone tree of Mom, Dad, and Eric had started. But they found me. LOL!
On the way home this evening, the kids and I made lots of stops. Toots fell asleep right out of the driveway, but woke up just as I had bought J a marshmallow milkshake at "The Big Berry". And of course she says, "Where's my milkshake?" Well Mom had sent me home half gallon of milk since I'm totally out of milk and need to get groceries. So I pull over and put part of the shake in her sippy and fill it with milk and shake. A few miles, Soph starts fussing since she needs a cup of milkshake, too. So I did that and gave her hers. Well, J notices I poked a whole in the bottom of his cup. So I have to stop and put a diaper on his cup. I tell you what even when my kids are out of diapers, I'm going to carry some because I have used diapers for MANY different reasons and emergencies. Including wrapping a bloody hand. Then Tootie realizes she wants pants on since her only shorts I brought got wet when J thru his swim trunks on them accidentally. Yes, she was riding home commando. So the only thing I have are a pair of 12m capris that fit Sophi a LONG time ago. Tootie says she'll take them. So we pull over and put them on but she want the pant legs to touch her ankles. So we have to pull the crotch of the pants all the way to her knees but she was happy since her pant legs were at ankles. LOL!
Sophi can blow kisses and make the kiss pucker and huge kiss sound. It is so adorable. I went to get her out of her pack n play after nap time and she had been talking to someone or something. Then I heard someone talking back. I opened the door and Wheezer jumped the pack n play and headed out the door. The cat had slept with Sophi for naptime. She must have been hiding under the desk in the office when I put Soph down and just decided to take a siesta with Soph bug. It was really cute!! Especially hearing them talk to each other.