Well, I didn't bring my camera to Mom and Dad's this past weekend since it is almost like moving with our 3 kids. Hauling around 6 blankies is enough as it is. Anyway, we had a great time helping put up Gig's fence. It was monsterously hot but great company. I should have lost 10 lbs. It was 92 with a heat index of 108 because of the humidity. Heidi and Lacie kept the kids for the morning. Phillip even got out his tractors and played with J. J said "Can I spend the night at Phillip's?" It was so cute. By the time, I was leaving J was on the floor with the tractors, Tootie had on a crown, tutu, wand, and a rainbow stick that Marilyn and the girls bought her, and Lacie was chasing Sophi removing knick knacks from all shelves below 3ft. Then, I came back and dropped them off at Tina's for the rest of the day. She was my best friend in high school and we've stayed really close. So she gladly took my kids along with her 2. Brave woman! That gave her a 1 yr old, 2 yr old, 2-3 yr olds, and a 5 yr olds for 4 hours! She was very gracious and said it was wonderful and no altercations. Amazing how your own kids are always better for everyone else!
Well, while they were having fun playing. Eric and Dad were putting up Gig's new fence (and Eric was removing a chunk of his thumb with his pocket knife, LOL) Mom, Gig, Cindy, and I were cleaning out the garage. Then, Mom and Gig started helping the guys, so Cin and I finished the garage. We had a blast talking and getting sweaty and covered in soot from my Pampa Emmett's stove that covered most things in the garage. We had a fantastic time reminiscing and laughing together and we showed our children what real hard work is!
On Sunday, we took the kids back over and Craig and Nic came over and the boys worked on the fence, Mom helped with the fence and the rest of us kept the kids occupied. They were so good. Gig and J made leaf crowns, bird, helicopters, clover bracelets. The girls swam in these large tubs of water that were like large buckets. They were awesome! which allowed me to get to stay up there with the rest of my family and visit and contribute.
Today, we started Vacation Bible school. Tootie and J had a great time. When I picked Tootie up from her class, she pointed to the Mary statue and said " that's Jesus's Mudder (how she pronounces Mother" It was so adorable. Soph bug and I went to the mall and got groceries. Then swim team tonight and dance lessons after that.
It's prime tornado season and of course, we had to evacuate the upstairs of the studio and come down into the entryway until the wind and tornado warning cleared and then drove home in flash floods. We didn't eat until 9pm. I had some cranky kids. But God gave us a beautiful FULL rainbow which is pretty rare. I got some pics.
I also have a video of Sophi doing her frog hop.
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