Well, I picked up the kiddos today. I met Mom and Dad in Montezuma at 1pm. I don't think J was ready to come home quite yet. Tootie was super happy to see me. And Sophi has mixed feelings. She was missing her "Bubby" and "Oot" but she liked being an only child for a couple of days playing anything she wanted and having her mommy carry her everywhere. She got attached to a mini Dora toy that of course, Tootie snatched away when she walked thru the door and said "No No Sophi that is for big girls, you might break it". She heard that alot today and didn't like it. The tempers were flaring this afternoon.
We love having them back but I have to say I forgot how easy it is just having one. Eric and I took Sophi to dinner on Monday night to Texas Roadhouse. We took our time and had cocktails. We both just took turns giving Soph something to occupy her. We had a relaxing evening and then just had to come home and put 1 to bed. Tonight was a little different story! LOL!
Tootie's potty got left at Nene's, oops! Now Tootie will go on the big potty anywhere BUT she prefers her comfy little potty where she needs no help. Soooo, Eric bought her a new potty on his way home. It is a princess potty chair with rhinestones on the back and plays music when she pees. Hilarious! Eric and I were in the room when she first used it and the music played. She looked around wondering what the heck that music was when she peed. We just died laughing and then she chimed in laughing. That was totally worth the $30. Priceless! So are the pics of Eric sitting on the little potty.
I wanted the kids to try on their new fall clothes and Tootie and J loved some of them and wore around jeans, and J, sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt. I thought I was going to have a heat stroke watching them. Good thing, I keep the AC at 72!
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