Well, it has been another busy week. I went to the Employee Health Services for my pre employment physical on Tuesday and then volunteered out at the school for the rest of the afternoon. Our big auction is Saturday! This is our large event that raises a lot of money for our school. Last year the auction made approximately $65,000. This allows for certain scholarships, teacher supplies and room money, money for big projects like ovens for the cafeteria, etc. It is a huge project. I am on the database committee and our chairperson, Wendi, bless her heart, is up many nights working the database. Wednesday, since I had the girls, I worked at home all day editing a lot of the donation bid sheets. Last year we had approximately 600 donations. We sell 500 tickets to the auction at $65/each. Each ticket also buys you a chance at the $10,000 Reverse Raffle.
Today, I ran downtown to have my TB skin test read and got my clearance form then headed to the school for a volunteer day in Kindergarten. I got to be in J's room all day, which is such a delight. I love to hear them sing and praise each other. This is my favorite class in the whole school to volunteer in. The kids are so sweet and innocent. I love every minute! They invited me to ride on their imaginary roller coaster, today and I got the privilege of putting their "Stations of the Cross" books together. They will be doing "Stations of the Cross" every Thursday throughout Lent.
J had a great reading day; he reads with such great expression. Tootie made a crazy dinosaur hat that she wore ALL day. Sophi made St. Patrick's horseshoes at Vickie's.
I was finishing a project in Mrs. B's room right at pickup time. Tootie was still in the gym with her class when the fire alarm went off. An 8th grade science project went south. Therefore, I jumped up from my seat. Grabbed J and headed to the gym. The kids were all being evacuated outside. I grabbed Tootie and helped get all little daycare kiddos out. No one had coats or backpacks and we were cold waiting on the firetrucks. We ended up going over to the church waiting for clearance. The cars were really backed up on Hwy 40. It was a mess, parents wanted to get out of their cars and get their kids but we had head counts done and were trying to keep track of all the kids. What a bad time for a fire! It was all fine about 4pm, and it wore the kids out even more.
After all that, Jackson and his friend Jacob were asked to do a video scene in the school auction video. They had to do sad faces! It was so funny to watch them. This video has all original music with lyrics to fit events and kids/teachers from the school (It's really funny and great)! There are pictures of events throughout the year and video clips. The older kids got a green screen and video editing software, so they have all these neat effects. The money goes to the technology department which affects pre-k through 8 for computers and software so J and Tootie do benefit from it. The dvds are $15 so if you want to see J and Tootie on their school video, email me within the next couple of weeks and I will get you a copy. Last year's dvd is $10.
Happy (soon to be) Friday!
The pics are from the mess I found that the girls made when they crunched my blush and blue eyeshadows. Sophi had vaseline in her hair and Tootie was covered with a whole jar of Vicks! Nice mess to clean :) Oh well, at least they are girlie girls with the makeup. I love it!
J and Soph were snuggling while Eric and Tootie had a night out together.
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