One pic is of Tootie sneaking J's DS and hiding around the corner so she could play with it. J and C were outside enjoying our lovely 70 degree weather today. Sophi has a cold so I tried to keep her in out of the wind, today.
Last week was my first week at work and it was great! I love it. I work on a team with 4 other people. 3 programmers and 2 of us nurses. I am learning code and programming right now. We build the documentation system for all of Clarian's ERs, which there are 18 now. My first project is the new hospital Saxony in Fishers. John and I will build it from scratch by Dec. 1st. On Friday, we all went to a luncheon at 11am and stayed until 3 and then we all went home. I wish every Friday was like that.
The kids are doing great and were big helpers this first week of work. Soph loves Vicki and dove out of my arms to Vicki everyday so she could play with her Jordie, Demi, and Mimi. She loves that they all cater to her every desire. Her brother and sister don't cater to her like that at home. LOL! J and C love daycare, also. They get to play in the gym before and afterschool with all their little friends for a little while. Miss Tootie started taking her lunch since she is my little picky eater.
J got another 100% on his spelling test. That's perfect on all 6 of them. He had a perfect report card also...mastered all skills and only needs improvement on listening and cleaning up his work station....go figure, he is such a boy!
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