We went to Mom and Dad's for the weekend. It was a great time. We got there about noon on Saturday and Mom had my birthday party. All 5 of us, Craig, Nic, Mom, Dad, Gig, Mamma and Pamps were all there. We had a time visiting and laughing at how cute the kids are! We had snow in Indiana but we got to IL and there wasn't any on the ground. I had brought all the snow suits and the kids got new snow boots from Nene and Pop for Christmas.
Well, on Sunday morning I got my wish. We had like 3 inches of snow at Mom and Dad's so Eric drove to the store to get the kids a sled to hook to the back of the 4 wheeler. When he got back, we opened presents. It was a whirlwind for the kids but us adults took our time. After lunch, J and Toot, Eric, and Uncle Craig took the kids sledding.
We got quite a bit of snow, wind, and ice. The roads were bad and it took us about 2hr and 20 min to get home. It took me much much longer to put all the toys away!! Ha Ha!! We got some roudy toys. Nene and Pop got J a Wolverine claw and Hulk punching gloves for Christmas and Uncle Craig and Aunt Nic got J a Bazooka that shoots 25 foam bullets at a time. At least they got Toot a mini foam shooter to fight back! Ha!
The kids were a riot on the sled. It was kind of small so Toot laid on her back and J just laid on top of her so they would both fit. And they wanted to go faster. It was making me nervous and Remy (Craig and Nic's dog) followed close behind and Tootie just sqealed in delight. There little faces were beat red when they came in.
Mamma got the kids each an umbrella just for something to open at my birthday and you would have thought they got the present of the year. They took those suckers everywhere...running into the tree, people, etc, with them. So J took his outside. It was hilarious because Pop told J it was cold outside and J said "Oh yeah, you're right I better take my umbrella". Like that was going to keep him warm
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