What a great year it has been for Christmas! Now that Tootie is older she and J were both so excited about Christmas this year. We wanted to go to the 7 pm mass last night but we made an offer on another house and had to go to the realtor's office to sign our offer so by the time we got home it was 6pm and the turkey was ready so then we missed the 7pm mass and boy did I have some grumpy kids by 9pm. So we missed out on church last night which was upsetting but we had a great Christmas together.
Yesterday, Eric had to work, but I cooked all day and had Christmas movies and little activities for the day. We met Eric at 4pm at the realtor's office. Then when we got home we had turkey, dressing, butternut squash, angel biscuits, party salad, peppermint salad (Christmas tradition), mashed potatoes, and Sleigh Ride Punch (which no one like but me...must have been the Cranberry juice!) Then it took me like 1 1/2 to do dishes and clean up the kitchen. I had to clean out my oven. Eric got a 24lb turkey from work and my oven and roaster pan did not quite accomodate. I tried to put a cookie sheet under to catch the drippings but it was so big it still spilled over. It was very smokey so I had to clean out my oven so I could make the cinnamon rolls this morning. Not a fun thing to do on Christmas Eve.
Then we watched "The Grinch" (3 times), "Charlie Brown Christmas", and "The Little Mermaid" And finally had a piece of "White Christmas" cake. New recipe this year and I think it will be another new Christmas tradition.
Finally, we laid out cookies and candy and carrots for Santa. Then we tracked Santa on the Nordac tracker online and the kids were out like lights.
This morning, I had to wake them up at 8:30. They jumped out of bed and ran down stairs. They opened their presents faster than I could keep up. Sophi even enjoyed her first Christmas. She had a ball. We had to keep her out of the trash paper and little scraps. This very minute J is playing his new Leapster game, "Wolverine" which teaches geography. He knew which continent Africa was without me helping him! And Tootie is playing with her new Tag system with her "Dora" and "Kai Lan" book. Soph went down for a well needed nap. But has been trying to cruise on her new princess scooter. Merry Christmas to all!!
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