Well, I bought the airline tickets for our Disney trip tonight...Wooohooo! 95days! I'm not counting or anything.
This week has been a busy baking week so far. I had to bake 10 dozen sugar cookies and ice and decorate all of them for the Church Women's Club cookie drive and then I have to bake 2 strawberry breads, a coffee cake, and 3 more dozen cookies for the Saint Nicholas Breakfast Friday.
I took the kids to get their final dose of the H1N1 vaccine. So glad to get that out of the way. They all did pretty good. Toots even got in the chair by herself so I didn't have to put Soph down.
We went shopping for Toys for Tots and bought hats and mittens for the kids at the homeless shelter, today. J finally gets it this year and didn't ask for anything. He actually picked the toys out for other and told the checkout lady that we were buying them for kids "who don't get to have a Christmas like we do". It was a great day!
Toots got some Minnie pjs and adores them! She is totally into Minnie because of the Disney trip.
I bought Sophi a walker and it came, today. She loves it, mostly because her big brother and sister have taken her for rides ALL day, today. They actually fight over whos turn it is to take Soph for a ride.
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