I have mastered how to get Tootie to do something. If I do it to Soph first, Tootie begs me. So I told her I was putting Soph's hair up in pigtails and then she followed.
J went on a great fieldtrip to the Children's Museum with his pre k class yesterday. I wish I had got to go to but those are the brakes when you have little ones. He got to dig for dinsosaur bones, play in lego world, and build a robot. He talked about it all night. Then the kids had swim lessons. J has mastered the freestyle he is just learning how to turn his head side to side to breathe. His instructor says this is hard for kids his age because it feels so weird, but he's trying.
Tootie is by far my most strong willed child. 10 x what J was. So I let her do as much as she can and pick my battle with her. J is very patient with her and with Sophi. He pushed Soph around in his dump truck while I finished mowing, tonight.
J's loose tooth is getting close. He was bummed when he got to school and found out that Mary lost her's first.
Not too much else to report. Just the basic house cleaning, yard mowing, and baking 6 dozen cookies for J's pre k bake sale. Soph has her 15 month appt Friday at 1pm so I'll let you know her stats!!
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