What a day! It was quite busy with yardwork now and housework. We went for our 3 mile walk/bike ride. I push the girls in the stroller and J rides his bike. He made it the whole way this time. Tootie would say and I quote "Jaason, stay to the wight (right) and swow (slow) down or Mommy won't let you come next time". Little bossy britches was soooo funny.
Then I took the kids to swim lessons. It was so cute. Tootie would not take her googles off. J did awesome. His instructor said he is fabulous at the freestyle and encouraged me to put him into swim team to compete with the 5 year olds but practice with the 8 year olds. That was exciting. I think he is going to be very athletic. You should see him play ball. Tootie was putting her face in and blowing bubbles by the end. Every 10 minutes she would yell across the pool "Mommy are you watchin?" Just making sure I'm there. She says she wants to go to school like Jackson but I guarantee the minute I leave the room, the girl would have a meltdown.
Then I came home and made a couple of casseroles and took them to Shane and Brandi and visited with new baby, Ella Lynn. So cute!
The pictures were hard to get since I was all the way across the pool and holding Sophi so a few are fuzzy since I had to crop them so much
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