What you are hearing is how Sophi Grace wakes us up every morning. The most beautiful sound in the world next to J and Caroline's voices, of course. She laughed out loud last night just for me. I was holding her over me bringing her down to my face and she just chuckled and belted out a huge laugh. It was great! She rolled over from front to back for the first time tonight on the living room floor.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
An Excuse For Everything
Here's a great story. I picked J up from school today and he told me he didn't get a treasure because he was "smackin butts". Apparently, he had smacked about 4 people's butts at school. 2 girls by the cubbys and 1 happened to be a boy using the urinal in the bathroom. Mrs. Hess told me what happened after Jackson told me he didn't get a treasure. I told her that he has probably seen his dad do that to me and my dad has always done that to my mom. "Well, he gets it honest, then, she said" She was laughing this whole time. J was down the hall getting his things. Then she told me when he was approached he said "Well Dad and Pop do it all the time so it's ok!". Ha! A 4 yr old has an excuse for everything.
Then we got home and the garbage men were pulling in the driveway to get the trash. J and C love to stand on top of the hill and watch them throw the trash into the back of the garbage truck. So J tells the guys hi and then turns around and yells as loud as he can "Hey Mom, why does that guy not have a shirt on?" After I said "Shhhhh. I told him that it was hot and humid and the man was hot." So then he yells "But I can see his boobs!" Tootie was yelling hi and waving also, so my only hope is that she had the guys distracted and they didn't hear J.
Tootie's new trick is that she has learned to tilt her head to the side and ask for something followed by "PEASE?" You pretty much melt and give her whatever she wants. It's a great trick; I wish I had a skill like that.
Have you ever taken 3 kids under the age of 5 to the dentist with you? It's a total treat. I chipped a tooth and went to the dentist, yesterday with ALL the kids. C screamed for the first 5 minutes because she thought she was getting her ears checked. Then, they both sat on me in the dentist chair and into the procedure started hitting each other and each yelling "Mom, she/he's hitting me" while the chair is moving and the dental assistant is trying to fix my tooth. Sophi was great the whole time, though. Then, when it was time to leave they both took off running and about knocked Dr. Booher over. If you can successfully take 3 kids (infant, toddler, preschooler) to the dentist and have a successful procedure, you can do ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A Day at the Spa
I found this little beany hat for Sophi that says "Little Lady" It is sooo cute. She is getting that little chunky face. Sophi almost fell asleep in the tub.
Funny Words of the Day
At bedtime tonight, J was saying his prayers and I asked if he wanted to pray for any of his friends and he says "Yah, Kendall" (This is the little blonde girl that I love, she is polite, smart, and beautiful. I'm working on the arranged marriage. You can go back to the fall concert pictures and she is the one sitting next to him in the room) Anyway, I said does Kendall ever get in trouble at school? "Noooo never, Mom. She's a girl. If my name was Jasmine and I was a girl, I wouldn't get in trouble either" So I ask him why he supposed that he got in trouble at school and his response was "Because I'm a boy". So I asked why boys got in trouble but not girls and he says "Because boys can't do anything right!" This was classic.
He's my little used car salesman. Eric is doing some training on second shift and won't be home until about 9pm (so I thought). So I tell J that he can play his Leapster and wait til Daddy gets home before he goes to sleep. He comes downstairs like 5 times and I tell him he has to stay in his room. So Eric calls and says it will be more like 11pm. J comes down again and I tell him it's time to shut off his Leapster and go to sleep. "But Mom, Dad is not home yet and you always say not to break promises" Too smart for his own good.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday Playdate
My best friend from high school came over today with her 2 little ones. I saw her 2 weekends ago but Caroline was sick and didn't get to play with Arabella. Arabella is 5 weeks older than Caroline. Savannah is 9 months. J had more fun playing with the girls. Tina and I went upstairs and J had Arabella sitting on his lap showing her how to play leapster. He loved making faces and loving on Savannah. Caroline was my little anti-social bug, today. She had more fun on her own. Here are some pictures from the day.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Fun in the Sun

Well, I worked on Saturday (yes a 12 hr shift). My last one, yeah!! From now on, I'm going to do 8hr shifts only. It's too hard on Eric to have all 3 kids for the day. When, I got home, Eric had to head to Mark's to visit his friend Matt who is here from Chicago. We all got up this morning to a glorious day. The kids couldn't wait to get outside. Here are some pics of the kids helping Eric mow the yard. I cleaned the kitchen and Sophi lounged in the swing.
Cute saying for the day:
Jackson says "Hey Soph, defend yourself from the bees, kay!" He was scared of the wasps all day and said this after I brought Soph out in her bouncy seat while I weeded flower beds.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Joker and The Batman
Mom sent J and C a couple of prizes for getting shots on Monday. J got the new Joker (I thought he was going to have a stroke he was so excited) and C got a new Elmo interactive book. Anyway, J asked C if she wanted to be Batman and him Joker (this is unheard of at my house because Batman and Joker are Jackson's cherished toys). Anyway, here's them playing
Spring is here...Time for sports
J has taken an interest in baseball and Eric has been practicing with him. Here are some shots of them playing pitch and catch, today
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Keeping Busy
Here's J building his racetrack and Tootie playing tea party with "Paglo". And later she is J's race fan.
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