Saturday, April 4, 2009

Heritage Lake Easter Hunt

We went to the clubhouse, today, for the annual easter egg hunt. Eric had Sophi so Tootie had to do the 4 yr old hunt with me and J. But she found 2 eggs all by herself and J found 3. It was hard because they just had these little squares blocked off for each age group and it was packed but we got to see a lot of people we knew which was fun. The kids got to see the Easter bunny which was great. Tootie refused to sit on his lap and we had to bribe J to get off his lap. So funny.

Then we went to the park at the marina.

Then we all took long naps.

We went out for Mexican and took the kids to Dairy Queen for ice cream. J had his first cone. It's always been to messy before.

Bummer, I have to go back to work tomorrow.

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