Here's a great story. I picked J up from school today and he told me he didn't get a treasure because he was "smackin butts". Apparently, he had smacked about 4 people's butts at school. 2 girls by the cubbys and 1 happened to be a boy using the urinal in the bathroom. Mrs. Hess told me what happened after Jackson told me he didn't get a treasure. I told her that he has probably seen his dad do that to me and my dad has always done that to my mom. "Well, he gets it honest, then, she said" She was laughing this whole time. J was down the hall getting his things. Then she told me when he was approached he said "Well Dad and Pop do it all the time so it's ok!". Ha! A 4 yr old has an excuse for everything.
Then we got home and the garbage men were pulling in the driveway to get the trash. J and C love to stand on top of the hill and watch them throw the trash into the back of the garbage truck. So J tells the guys hi and then turns around and yells as loud as he can "Hey Mom, why does that guy not have a shirt on?" After I said "Shhhhh. I told him that it was hot and humid and the man was hot." So then he yells "But I can see his boobs!" Tootie was yelling hi and waving also, so my only hope is that she had the guys distracted and they didn't hear J.
Tootie's new trick is that she has learned to tilt her head to the side and ask for something followed by "PEASE?" You pretty much melt and give her whatever she wants. It's a great trick; I wish I had a skill like that.
Have you ever taken 3 kids under the age of 5 to the dentist with you? It's a total treat. I chipped a tooth and went to the dentist, yesterday with ALL the kids. C screamed for the first 5 minutes because she thought she was getting her ears checked. Then, they both sat on me in the dentist chair and into the procedure started hitting each other and each yelling "Mom, she/he's hitting me" while the chair is moving and the dental assistant is trying to fix my tooth. Sophi was great the whole time, though. Then, when it was time to leave they both took off running and about knocked Dr. Booher over. If you can successfully take 3 kids (infant, toddler, preschooler) to the dentist and have a successful procedure, you can do ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!
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