Not to take away from Tootie's birthday but listen to the day I had. First, It was "show and tell" at J's preschool so he packed up his tractor, Lightning McQueen, and a white race car. Well, I sign him in, take his coat off, and he realizes he can't find the tractor. I told him he could bring ut tomorrow but he began to have a meltdown so I told him to go in for circle time and I would find it and bring it in from the car. 10 minutes later, and 2 girls crying, I find it under his seat and bring it in and put it in his cubby.
Then at Krogers I lost my purse!!! Yes, you heard me correctly. I have to carry it on my shoulder because Caroline sits in the front of the cart, Sophi's car seat fits in the cart, and what little room is left for groceries. So I get C's birthday cake and 3 gallons of milk...that's it. I go to check out and can't find my purse anywhere!! No cell phone, no car keys, no driver's license, and no bank cards. I start thinking maybe I left it next to the car while loading the girls up. I go look and no purse, I go back to the cake section no purse, I ask the cake purse, I go to customer service and no one has turned in a purse. Then I'm thinking "Great now I'll have to call Eric to come get us, I'll have to cancel my cards, get a new license, blah blah blah." I still wasn't panicked about it being stolen because I'm at Kroger and there are only a handful of older women in there...Now if I were at Walmart I would have never seen it again. So I hear "Christi Saupp to check out 2" The assistant manager had found it next to the milk case. I hug this complete stranger and tell him "Bless You, this is why I only shop at Kroger!!!"
So I unload all the kids at McDonald's and put the food down in the play area. This little boy about 2 or 2 1/2 walks up to Tootie out of nowhere and slaps her across the face!! She didn't cry but I looked at the other boy's mother and she didn't say anything even though she watched the whole thing. I let it go!! I kept thinking I know what it was like when J was 2 because boys are A LOT more awnry. He never walked up to anybody and slapped them out of the blue, though. If he was playing and someone took something away at that age he may have hit them. But I was the first one to jump up, discipline him, and make him apologize. SO....the kids are standing next to me at out table eating and this little brat runs up to her AGAIN out of the blue and hits her across the face. It turns her face red. I grabbed his arm, and Yelled "WE DON'T HIT, where is your mother?" This lady stands up and says I'm his mother. I protest "Since we have been here your son has hit my daughter twice for no reason" Does she do anything...NO. So I say as loud as I can to him and his mother can hear "Jackson if that little boy comes near your sister TAKE HIM DOWN!" Jackson ask me what I meant and I said "Hit him as hard as you can!" He says really are you sure and I said you bet. He just stood there waiting for that little punk to come over to Tootie. They left right after that. Eric came in then and was shocked at me since I am always telling Jackson to walk away and not fight back. I told him he would never get in trouble for defending his little sisters. It makes me so mad, Tootie is my peace maker, she has never hit, never bit, nothing. When a kid cries because he wants a certain toy, she is the first to say "Here You go". She may throw a tantrum but doesn't hit or bite. So that made me even more mad because she is my love bug. If I knew I wouldn't get arrested I would have tanned that little kid's hide.
Here's Tootie giving her new baby a bath. and Sophi worn out from all the partying
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