A couple of days ago, I looked into the living room to see Sophi pulling herself to her knees using the stool. She almost made it to her calves but wiped out. She is growing so fast and smiles ALL the time. She is such a sweet potato.
Lesson for the day: I took the girls to the grocery store today after dropping Boogie off at school. Well, Caroline wouldn't sit in the cart, she HAS to push the cart and put all the produce in bags. So she was helping with that and Sophi was screaming because her teeth were killing her. She wouldn't take a bottle or anything. So after passing by the frozen food section, I grabbed a bag of frozen red raspberries...OBVIOUSLY not thinking. She had a white jumper on..mind you. Anyway, you can imagine what comes next. We got home and kabam red jumper, red carseat, red mouth. After lots of soaking and spray n wash, they did come stain free.
Wisdom for the day: A wise woman just told me today "Take my husband but don't take my cleaning lady!!!". I know my sister in law, Les, would say "Amen, Sister". I have had Molly Maids come a couple of times when the weeks were flying and I couldn't get everything done or the kids to leave me alone long enough to get anything done. It is a beautiful thing when you leave for 3 hours come home, and the house is miraculous clean thanks to the cleaning fairies. Ha!!!!
Thought For The Day:
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