I had a great trip to NY this past weekend. It was so relaxing and I didn't even care about the layover or time in flight. I just read my magazines and enjoyed the quiet. It was kind of eerie with no kids, though. It was a beautiful time and I got to thorougly enjoy Les's shower. She got so many nice things and lunch was exceptional. I had never been to a shower at a restaurant. It was Greek and wonderful! I loved it. I wish I could have stayed an extra day to help Les put clothes away and wash things and exchange things.
Soph and Eric had some awesome father/daughter time. He rolled around on the floor and had her laughing hysterically. They both loved every minute of it.
J and C went to Mom and Dad's and had a great time, too. J, Pop, and Craig went fishing and J caught 4 fish. He even baited his hook and cast his line himself!!! Tootie and Mom stayed back at the house and went swimming. Dad said J talked a blue streak while fishing and he wanted to sit close to Craig and would ask him to help with this or that. Then he said "I'm going to go look at something, Craig, tell me if I have a fish on my line!" Hilarious. The first day, Eric told Mom and Dad that Tootie's burn probably shouldn't be in the pool (since swimming pools are cesspools for bacteria) but that girl loves the water. She takes 3 baths a day just to be in the water so I told dad to let her swim all she wanted on Sunday. She would be fine. She was ecstatic. An awesome weekend was had by all.
I got to see cousin Lois. Eric's great cousin who had all kinds of lovely stories about Eric's grandparents. I loved hearing her stories. I hope I can remember them all to tell the kids as they grow older. I love family history!!!
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