Tootie wanted to show you all her shoes for the day. She even told me to get my camera and she lifted her legs to show her purple pumps. Mommy gave her a pedicure tonight and painted them purple sparkly with pink polka dots and she desperately wanted her picture taken but it was too close to bedtime.
Yesterday, the girls and I stopped at the local farmer's stand on the way home and bought tomatoes to can crushed tomatoes for red sauce and juice for chili. Tootie was wearing her pink pumps and tiptoed through the gravel drive. Mrs. Kentworthy thought she was a stitch. When she asked Tootie if she was going to help Mommy can she said "Unt Uh! No! Mommy help me". I thought she was going to die laughing. Then she helped me load up A tomato while carrying it to the car in her high heels. I think she inherited Aunt Les's gene for shoes. Ha!
Boogie was so excited that he got his preschool magazine that has activities to prepare for Kindergarten. Mom and Dad got him a subscription last year for his birthday and he runs in the house and can't wait to get started. During his prayers tonight he was going thru his prayer list and he says "And God, I want some more of those fun books and LOTS and LOTS of worms to go fishing with Pop and Craig". It was so adorable. He insists on wearing his Spiderman baseball cap everyday because he says that Pop told him he needed a fishin hat. So he has decided this is his fishin hat.
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