J graduated from preschool tonight. MY BABY!! It seriously seems just like yesterday, I had him. The only time I teared up tonight was when he sang the "I am Special, God made me" song. It was pure chaos when we got there. All the kids just ran in circles while the parents sat on the bleachers. Even Tootie joined in the fun.
And yes, you will notice that Tootie had her plastic purple dress up shoes on. This was a battle I was not willing to fight for.
Jackson was all tucked in and after the rambuxiousness, he was untucked. You will notice in the video that I am trying to motion him to tuck in from the bleachers and he does and "Erkle" and hikes his pants to his chest. I never will forget it.
These are the days that I am so thankful that I have the time that I do with my kids. I knew his favorite song tonight because we practiced, I knew the song he didn't want to sing, and I practiced all his prayers. Tonight while standing there, he looked up at me and winked and when his favorite song came on, he looked at me to help him with his pants, and he gave me the "boo" face when "This is the Day" was being sang. I knew what he was thinking and he looked for my reaction. It was priceless and I will never forget these times and will always be thankful at how close I am to all 3 of my kids.
P.S. Eric did the photography and videotaping since Sophi won't let anyone hold her but me.
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