We had a great time at the Country Club for Nichole's shower. Most of my family and friends were able to make it. The food was great and Nichole got Sooooo much stuff! Craig is going to have to add on an extra room! LOL! We had a game called "He Said...She said" and it was so funny to hear the answers that Craig and Nichole gave. I got home later this evening and J and C were waiting for me and yelled "OUr Mommy's home, Yay, our Mommy's home" "Can we have a hug and kissy?" It was wonderful to come home to and now I can't wait to wake up my Soph Bug in the morning, just so I can hear those words "Hiiiii, Ma Ma"
Eric got heat exhaustion yesterday with the heat index of 110 and seven hours on the golf course. He ended up puking 3 times on the way home. Yuck! Did I mention he can't find his car key either! Ooops! BUT they parred 6 under! The winning team was 9 under par.
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