Well, I took J to get his school uniforms at St. Susanna's yesterday. He saw a bunch of his old friends and I visited with several of my mom friends. We are so blessed that my dear friend Staci will be teaching 5th grade there and can pick J up after school if I need it and just to know she is down the hall makes me feel so good.
Well my little man, who started out a size 5 regular at the beginning of Spring. Needed to try on 4 pair of pants for us to find he is now a size 7 slim! He has shot up this summer. I can't believe it! Miss Toots is in a 4 because of the height and Miss Soph is now in a 3T. Good gracious where does the time go. So anyway, J was getting very tired of trying on clothes. I made him try on the long sleeve polos and then an oxford shirt. And by that time, he came out and said, "they fit Mom". I said, "Uh I back in and put them on so I can see please". His response was "I'm over this" then he comes out with the oxford on over his t-shirt. Now I see how boys turn into men who hate to shop! I was also scolded by him for poking my head into the boys bathroom to see what was taking so long! LOL! Some think that spending money on uniforms for school is silly, but I'll have you know that I bought all of his Summer/Fall uniforms at the used sale and only spent $22 and I bought all winter apparel and accessories at the new sale for $100. I remember going shopping for school clothes and I know my mom always spent well over $250 on my clothes. So I think it turned out great.
Eric is in Ohio at his tournament today. I talked to him a little while and his team finished 6 under par. So he was happy with that. I don't think they placed or won anything. Today, I managed to mow the lawn, clean the house top to bottom, pack the car up for the shower tomorrow, clean out the Tahoe, do the accounting, take the kids out for a dinner of pizza (yes, I took all 3 by myself, but they were great for me, tonight anyway), fertilize my flowers and water, bathe the kids, and put them to bed, and now I am ready for a shower and time to crash.
Tomorrow is my turn! Wahooooo! I get to spend all morning with my mom and dad and then to the baby shower to visit with all my dear friends and family and come home to a spotless house (at least I hope so) Yippee.
Here is J in one of his uniforms. He was so excited because he wanted a belt like Daddy's and I quote "Not one of those geeky magnet belts, Mom". So when we got home he had to try the belt out with all his pants and shorts. So stinkin cute!!
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