Well, we sold our house last Tuesday!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we are negotiating on our other house! Keep praying for us; it has been stressful, especially since there is another couple interested in the house.
Eric got home last night around 7pm and the kids were so excited to see him. Even my little Soph Bug ran up to him and gave him a big hug and kiss and hugged his neck and said "Awwwwwwww". It was so sweet. I love their ages right now! So much fun and so sweet!
I took Tootie's stitches out on Friday morning and her lip looks great. I don't think we are going to have a scar! Yay!!
Well I baked a pineapple upside down cake, chocolate chip tiramisu cheesecake, pumpkin cheesecake, and a choco raspberry cheesecake for the chili supper tonight.
I have been working on the school database for our school auction. I had to learn Access in like 10 hours by myself but now I have it and have ran 10 or 15 reports and created my own queries. It's kind of fun. We had a great turnout at the chili supper tonight and made $1900 just on the cake walk and chili supper. It was a lot of fun. Especially now that I have a bunch of "mom" friends from J's class and the 1st grade to hang out with!!
I also stopped at the furniture store to look at furniture for Tootie's room at the new house. I found the most adorable white, Victorian furniture with etching and silver hardware. The mirror is round and the chair has a circle back. I love Victorian. I'm not a contemporary but an antique girl!!! Tootie will be, too!!!
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