Sorry, everybody! It has been stressful and a very busy week. We are very close to negotiating the sale of our house!! Yippppeeeeeee! The only bad thing is they want to close on Nov 29!!! Which ruins our plans for Thanksgiving. We told them it had to be Nov. 5 but if they come up to our asking price then we will probably have to go with that date! We'll see. We are biting at the bit to make the offer on our other house that we want.
My funny story is that Eric is concerned about the bean field of about 80 acres behind our house down in the valley. He's afraid eventually it may be commercialized. Eric's friend/boss knows a guy on city council and called him and asked about it and found out which farmer owned it and it turns out it is a prominent farmer who also owns a huge gravel pit at the other end of Mooresville. So then Eric was fretting it would be a gravel pit. So "Mama Bear" decided enough worrying was enough and I was not letting my dream house go because of what ifs (My philosophy is that when you live within 30 miles of a major metropolitan area anything can happen. Even if you live in a older neighborhood, Walmart can come by 12 of your neighbors, tear them down, and build a Walmart right next to you!) So anyway, I looked that prominent farmer up and called him up to find out his intentions. Yes I did!!!!! I got a hold of his wife out of the yellow pages and explained the situation and she said to me "Honey, I know what it's like to have your husband tell you that you can't have something. Let me give you his cell phone". So I called him on his cell and laid on my pancake syrup sweetness and found that he doesn't even own that field. He does own the 300 acres of corn down the road from us which he is a country boy and swears he will never sell out to darn (I'm paraprasing) commercialization. Anyway, he gave me the farmer's number who does own it and told me to call him up. It was quite funny and now I know not for sure their won't be a gravel pit back there :)
My sweet J Man read his first book to all of us tonight. Cover to cover, he read "The Hungry Caterpillar". It was one of my proudest moments of motherhood.
Tootie has had 6 weeks of this horrible cough which finally loosened up, she had a fever yesterday, and ended up with LOTS of drainage, today. So hopefully we are on the downslope of this cold that has seemed to last FOREVER.
Soph bugs words are so cute. She is saying "Boog" for Jackson, "Tooie" for Tootie, and pulls on my pantleg and repeats "Mamamamamamamamam" until she gets my attention and I give her what she wants.
Eric leaves to do production training for the new site in Spartanburg, SC for 2 weeks!!! on Sunday! Pray that my head doesn't spin around and fall off by the end of those 2 LONG weeks! He and J are headed to J's first professional baseball game on Sat night. He is super thrilled!
Somehow I signed up for a lot of committees for the PTP and have lots of projects for September. Oops! I'm in charge of keeping the teacher's lounge stocked with goodies, I'm in charge of the Kindergarten bake sale on Sept. 10, I'm co chair of our auction database which we are getting letters punched in for our donor and patron letters (it is our largest fundraiser, our auction raised $75,000 for the school last year), and I'm in charge of the cake walk at our big Chili Cook Off on Sept 18, which is the day Eric gets home...Yikes! Plus I have 4 cheesecakes and 4 dozen cupcakes I have to make for it. Wow! The snowball started rolling down the hill. LOL! I like it busy, though. It keeps the stress of thinking about moving down and keeps me distracted.
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