Well we still don't know anything about our house. Waiting on the buyer's next move. It is such a long and frustrating process.
J got his first report card and I was so proud. He acheived Maximum Success on almost everything! He only still needs improvement in the self control category and neatly coloring (he can do it, he just gets in a hurry because he wants to be the first one done)...Gee I think these things are normal boy things! LOL! Today he was the only one who could count to 200 so he got a brand new Lightning McQueen out of the Treasure Box. He is one smart little cookie. My mom just reminded me tonight that my Pampa Emmett used to tell everyone "she's always thinking while everybody else is sleeping" about me. Mom and I think the same thing about J.
Little Tootie bug is getting better at sharing and has been religiously asking Sophi if she wants to play. It is adorable. She still wishes she were at school but she has to live with us one last school year since I'm not ready to give her up yet. She is so creative. You will notice her 4 wheeler battery died so she talked J into pulling her with monkey backpack and she didn't want Sophi on her 4 wheeler so she tied the sled to the 4 wheeler for Sophi and Ducky to ride on. Sophi evacuated quickly and I didn't get my camera in time. She is a little artist right now and would color all day if I let her.
Sophi is my sweetie pie. She just kisses on everything and loves on everything. She has the most emphatic "Hiiiiiiiii" when I get her up in the morning. She has been doing this little face when I tell her she has to do something or can't have something. She cocks her head to the left (ear to shoulder), closes her eyes, and sticks her pouty lips out, and sayd "Ewwwww".
It hasn't been too bad with Eric gone. The kids went right to sleep last night and tonight, right on schedule. We stopped at McDonalds for supper last night and had frozen pizza tonight. Yessssss! I haven't even had a full load of laundry everyday! LOL! But we are ready for him to come home! I took the girls for a 3.5 mile walk thru Hummel Park yesterday right after school drop off. Then, I let the girls play on the playground. A nice man gave them peanuts to feed the squirrels, which they loved. One squirrel came about a foot from Tootie for that peanut. She loved it! We also got to feed the ducks and saw a Herron, and then a man gave us birdseed to feed the birds. I love that time of morning when all of the older people are out. They are so friendly and love to chat!
Eric is learning a lot and has been offered a job in Vegas. Of course, I said "Heck No" Not any places to raise kids!! His director asked him if he always listened to everything I say, Eric's response "Happy Wife, Happy Life!!!!!" He does live by that motto pretty well.
Well, I have to go finish a few licensing modules on the computer.
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